Diffusori ad effetto elicoidale

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Circular and square ceiling swirl diffusers

  • Nominal sizes 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16 in
  • Volume flow rate range 8.2 - 770 cfm
  • Diffuser face made of galvanised sheet steel, powder-coated, or of aluminium (depending on variant)
  • For supply and extract air
  • For variable and constant volume flows
  • For all types of ceiling systems
  • With discharge nozzle ideal for cooling in case of freely suspended installation
  • High induction results in a rapid reduction of the temperature difference and airflow velocity
  • Air change rates of up to 35 per hour can be achieved by arranging several diffusers in a row with a minimum pitch of 3 ft (center line to center line)
  • Ideal for comfort zones

Optional equipment and accessories

  • Exposed diffuser face available in RAL CLASSIC colors
  • Horizontal or vertical duct connection
  • Plenum box with cord-operated damper blade and pressure tap
  • Shallow plenum box

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Circular and square ceiling swirl diffusers

  • Nominal sizes 300, 400, 500, 600, 625

  • Volume flow rate range 10 – 265 l/s or 36 – 954 m³/h

  • Diffuser face made of galvanised sheet steel, powder-coated

  • For supply and extract air

  • For variable and constant volume flows

  • For all types of ceiling systems, and with an extended border also suitable for freely suspended installation

  • High induction results in a rapid reduction of the temperature difference and airflow velocity

  • Ideal for comfort zones

Optional equipment and accessories

  • Exposed diffuser face available in RAL Classic colours

  • Horizontal or vertical duct connection

  • Plenum box with cord-operated damper blade and pressure tap




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Circular and square ceiling swirl diffusers for high volume flow rates at low sound power levels and low differential pressure

  • Nominal sizes 600, 625
  • Volume flow rate range 31 – 265 l/s or 110 – 954 m³/h
  • Diffuser face made of galvanised sheet steel, powder-coated
  • For supply and extract air
  • For variable and constant volume flows
  • For all types of ceiling systems, and with an extended border also suitable for freely suspended installation
  • Swirl unit inside for the best swirl effect and high induction levels
  • Plenum box with acoustically optimised and lockable damper blade
  • Ideal for comfort zones




Optional equipment and accessories

  • Exposed diffuser face available in RAL Classic colours




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Diffusori circolari e quadrati a soffitto ad effetto elicoidale con deflettori fissi per elevate scale di portata, con bassi livelli di potenza acustica e bassa pressione differenziale grazie all'innovativa tecnologia dei polimeri

  • Grandezze nominali 160, 250, 300, 400, 600, 625
  • Intervallo scala di portata 5 – 385 l/s o 16 – 1386 m³/h
  • Frontale del diffusore in plastica con pale sovrapposte dal profilo tridimensionale per un vortice ad alta efficienza e un'elevata induzione
  • Per aria di mandata e aria estratta
  • Per portate volumetriche variabili e costanti
  • Per tutti i tipi di controsoffitti e con bordo allargato utilizzabile anche per installazioni sospese
  • Frontale del diffusore con bordo piatto leggermente inclinato – solo 3 mm di altezza
  • Camera di raccordo con pala della serranda ottimizzata e bloccabile
  • Il raccordo di connessione per grandezze nominali 160 e 250 consente un collegamento rapido, semplice e diretto ai condotti di ventilazione
  • Frontale del diffusore con fissaggio a baionetta (nessun utensile necessario) disponibile per grandezze nominali 160 o 250 e con raccordo di connessione

Dotazione opzionale e accessori

  • Finitura del frontale del diffusore disponibile nelle colorazioni RAL CLASSIC




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Circular and square ceiling swirl diffusers that create high induction levels, for high room air change rates

  • Nominal sizes 300, 400, 500, 600, 625
  • Volume flow rate range 9 – 235 l/s or 31 – 846 m³/h
  • Diffuser face made of galvanised sheet steel, powder-coated
  • For supply and extract air
  • For variable and constant volume flows
  • For all types of ceiling systems, and with an extended border also suitable for freely suspended installation
  • High induction results in a rapid reduction of the temperature difference and airflow velocity
  • Very high room air change rate possible thanks to row arrangement with a minimum pitch distance of 0.9 m
  • Ideal for comfort zones
  • Circular diffuser faces can be easily mounted without tools in a circular plenum box with horizontal spigot


Optional equipment and accessories

  • Exposed diffuser face available in RAL CLASSIC colours
  • Square plenum box with cord-operated damper unit and pressure tap

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Circular and square ceiling swirl diffusers for high room air change rates

  • Nominal sizes 300, 400, 500, 600, 625, 825

  • Volume flow rate range 7 – 470 l/s or 25 – 1692 m³/h

  • Diffuser face made of galvanised sheet steel, powder-coated

  • For variable and constant volume flows

  • For all types of ceiling systems, and with an extended border also suitable for freely suspended installation

  • High induction results in a rapid reduction of the temperature difference and airflow velocity

  • Very high room air change rate due to row arrangement with a minimum pitch distance of 0.9 m

  • Ideal for comfort zones

  • Circular diffuser faces can be easily mounted without tools in a circular plenum box with horizontal spigot


Optional equipment and accessories

  • Exposed diffuser face available in RAL CLASSIC colours, air control blades in black or white

  • Horizontal or vertical duct connection

  • Square plenum box with cord-operated damper unit and pressure tap




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Circular ceiling swirl diffusers, with manual or motorised adjustment of the air pattern to ensure draught-free ventilation of the occupied zone both in heating and cooling modes

  • Nominal sizes 315, 400, 630, 800
  • Volume flow rate range 65 – 1080 l/s or 234 – 3888 m³/h
  • Diffuser face made of galvanised, powder-coated sheet steel and of aluminium
  • For supply air
  • For variable and constant volume flows
  • High induction results in a rapid reduction of the temperature difference and airflow velocity
  • Discharge direction can be adjusted manually or with an actuator
  • Diffuser face with aerodynamically optimised contours
  • Ideal for high rooms

Optional equipment and accessories

  • Exposed diffuser face available in RAL CLASSIC colours
  • Horizontal or vertical duct connection
  • An extended border improves the horizontal air discharge in cooling mode
  • Protective cage for use in gymnasiums
  • Actuators for adjusting the air discharge direction
  • Diffuser face can be removed from the room side

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Il diffusore a soffitto WAVEDRALL non è solo altamente induttivo, ma è interessante anche dal punto di vista energetico. Può essere installato praticamente in tutti gli ambienti con un'altezza compresa tra 2,4 e 4,4 m, dove sia considerata importante una soluzione tecnica impeccabile e un'integrazione estetica perfetta.

I diffusori d'aria possono essere montati in modo armonioso in soffitti in fibra minerale e/o in lamiera d'acciaio. Il WAVEDRALL può essere utilizzato anche per realizzazione a vista, cioè sospeso liberamente.


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Please select your disired product properties:
With low sound power level for comfort and industrial zones, with fixed air control blades RFD


With low sound power level for comfort and industrial zones, with fixed air control blades

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With very low sound power level for comfort zones, with fixed air control blades TDF-SilentAIR


With very low sound power level for comfort zones, with fixed air control blades

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For more refined comfort zones with special demands on architecture and design, with fixed air control blades XARTO


For more refined comfort zones with special demands on architecture and design, with fixed air control blades

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For comfort zones, with fixed air control blades FD


For comfort zones, with fixed air control blades

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With low sound power level for comfort zones, with individually manually adjustable air control blades VDW


With low sound power level for comfort zones, with individually manually adjustable air control blades

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For high rooms, with adjustable air control blades VDL


For high rooms, with adjustable air control blades

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Universal plenum box, available in many variants Uni-AK


Universal plenum box, available in many variants

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With very low sound power level for comfort zones and individually manually adjustable air control blades TDV-SilentAIR


With very low sound power level for comfort zones and individually manually adjustable air control blades

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For high rooms, with adjustable air control blades VD


For high rooms, with adjustable air control blades

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RFD-SIRIUS is an air terminal device combined with a VAV terminal unit RFD-Sirius


RFD-SIRIUS is an air terminal device combined with a VAV terminal unit

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Flexible plenum boxes requiring less transport and storage space FLEXTRO


Flexible plenum boxes requiring less transport and storage space

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In TROX Air flow studio, the flow behavior of the air with various air distribution system is made impressively visible. The introduction of smoke in an authentic situation with space heat load simulators shows real flow patterns.

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