Ongoing global warming is endangering the most basic commodity in our lives - our health. Protecting it requires honest commitment and visionary ideas. TROX is leading the way, because what we want...
Climate and health - or "The art of handling clean-ic air" are the main topics in the latest issue of TROX life, the customer magazine from TROX. The focus is on the challenges of climate change...
.... with red-hot topics, because the focus of this issue is on fire protection and smoke extraction.
Among other things, you will read an interesting report on the refurbishment of high-rise...
Intelligent ventilation technology must become the norm! And that in the truest sense of the word. "School and ventilation" is therefore also the main topic of the new TROX life, which has just...
Il titolo dell'ultima edizione di TROX life non è casuale. Le città sono in continua espansione. Le megalopoli con una popolazione di oltre dieci milioni non sono più una rarità. La quantità...
The scenarios are alarming. Increasing sea levels, expanding desert and arid regions, the desertification of landscapes, devastating weather catastrophes: climate change is an important issue and...
Digitalisation. It's already part of our everyday lives and has become key to many aspects of our sector – in fact, it's hard to imagine life without it nowadays. At TROX, we are working flat out...
Noise and smoke – this is the top topic in our new issue of TROX life. Noise and smoke aren't something you can feel or hold onto – they're just something fleeting. And this is the very reason why...
The latest issue of TROX life is all about air and life, and will be winging its way to you within the next few days. Its main focus is on indoor air quality.
We report on commendable indoor air...
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