


Sash distance sensor for the variable, demand-based control of extract air flows in fume cupboards

  • Sash distance measurement
  • For fume cupboards with vertical sashes only; also for walk-in fume cupboards
  • Ideal for rooms with high airflow velocities or levels of turbulence
  • Multiple possibilities to couple the sensor with the sash movement
  • Measuring range 0 – 1750 mm or 350 – 2100 mm

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Differential pressure transducer

Differential pressure transducers based on the static measurement principle for the room or duct pressure control in combination with EASYLAB controllers TCU3 or LABCONTROL controllers TCU-LON-II

  • Suitable for air and non-aggressive media
  • For use in laboratories, clean rooms in the pharmaceutical and semiconductor industries, operating theatres, intensive care units, and offices with very demanding control requirements
  • Constructions with calibration certificate to meet GMP requirements

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Face velocity transducer for the variable, demand-based control of extract air flows in fume cupboards

  • Non-contact measurement of the face velocity, hence not subject to wear
  • For fume cupboards with vertical and horizontal sashes
  • Automatic detection of thermal loads
  • Simple installation into a drilled hole in the dome of the fume cupboard, also for multiple fume cupboards in a row
  • Plug-in cable
  • Measuring range 0 – 1 m/s

Additional application of the transducer

  • For monitoring the face velocity with monitoring devices FMS-2

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