Diffusori ad effetto elicoidale per gradinata



Circular and rectangular staircase swirl diffusers

  • Various nominal sizes with 1 – 6 outlets
  • Volume flow rate range 2 – 25 l/s or 7 – 90 m³/h
  • Diffuser face made of sheet steel, powder-coated
  • For variable and constant volume flows
  • For false floors designed as positive pressure plenums
  • Installation into the risers of steps
  • Visible screw fixing
  • High induction results in a rapid reduction of the temperature difference and airflow velocity
  • Low sound power level due to optimised air distribution inside the diffuser

Optional equipment and accessories

  • Exposed diffuser face available in RAL CLASSIC colours
  • Spring clip fixing (concealed)

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Circular and square staircase swirl diffusers

  • Nominal size 180 mm
  • Volume flow rate range 10 – 25 l/s or 36 – 90 m³/h
  • Diffuser face made of sheet steel, powder-coated
  • For variable and constant volume flows
  • For false floors and positive pressure plenums
  • Installation into the risers of steps or into horizontal or sloping floor areas which do not carry foot traffic
  • High induction results in a rapid reduction of the temperature difference and airflow velocity
  • Low sound power level due to optimised air distribution inside the diffuser

Optional equipment and accessories

  • Exposed diffuser face available in RAL CLASSIC colours
  • Spigot
  • Cross bar

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Nell'Air Flow Studio TROX, i comportamenti dei flussi d'aria con i differenti sistemi di diffusione è reso perfettamente visibile. L'introduzione del fumo in una situazione reale con simulatori di carico termico mostra i reali percorsi del flusso.

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