Quadrant stay for JZ-AL

Quadrant stay and limit switches for JZ-S, JZ-S-A2, JZ-LL, JZ-HL and JZ-LL-A2

The quadrant stay is situated between the first two blades from the top

Quadrant stay for JZ-AL and JZ-HL-AL

The quadrant stay is situated on the first blade from the top (dampers with up to three blades) or on the third blade from the top (dampers with at least four blades)

Quadrant stay with two limit switches for JZ-LL-AL

The quadrant stay is situated on the first blade from the top (dampers with up to three blades) or on the third blade from the top (dampers with at least four blades)



For locking the blades of multileaf dampers after manual operation

Quadrant stay for the stepless adjustment and locking of multileaf dampers without an actuator. Limit switches for OPEN and/or CLOSED positions may be fitted additionally

  • Micro switch with connecting cable
  • Quadrant stay with position indicator
  • Steel and stainless steel constructions
  • Limit switches for capturing the end positions of multileaf dampers



  • For multileaf dampers without an actuator
  • Quadrant stay for the stepless adjustment of the blades
  • Locking of the blade position after manual operation
  • In dampers with only one blade (without linkage) the quadrant stay is also used as a travel stop when opening or closing the damper
  • Limit switches for capturing the end positions (OPEN and/or CLOSED) of multileaf dampers
  • Electric signals of limit switches are integrated with system control

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